AP Physics C Videos (Mechanics)
Which AP Physics Course Should I Take?
- Math Review
- Kinematics
- Dynamics
- Work, Energy, and Power (WEP)
- Linear Momentum
- Uniform Circular Motion
- Rotation
- Angular Momentum
- Oscillations
- Gravity
- Free Response Exam Solutions
AP Physics C Videos (Electricity & Magnetism)

- Electric Fields
- Electric Potential
- Circuits
- Magnetism
- Electromagnetism
- Free Response Exam Solutions
- "Thank you for your wonderful lectures! I aced my Physics C Mechanics Exam all thanks to your videos!"
- "I only took AP Physics Mechanics in school but took the E&M test too, even though the course isn't available at our school. I only had one week to study the whole subject of E&M for the first time, and all I used were your videos and the Princeton Review. Thanks to the extensive and clear information in your videos, I got a 5 on both Mechanics and E&M!"
- "Thank you so much Mr. Fullerton! I watched your videos to study for my college physics 1 final exam and I got an A on my final!! You explained physics concepts better than my college professor. Your powerpoints animation and questions are so well designed help students understand tough concepts easily. Best physics videos on Youtube!"
- "I made it to the end! I watched all your videos, they've helped a lot!"
- "These videos are awesome!"
- "These videos are #*@& helpful. Keep up the good work!"
- "I was so lost before this!!! thanks :)"
- "Your youtube channel + website have contributed, massively, to education!"
- "I love the probs at the end they're the exact kind my college asks :))"
- "Your video outshines the class in school. Good job!"
- "Great videos and a life saver!"
- "Thanks for the videos! I got a bad flu or something and was out for two weeks and missed all of my lectures. A friend's notes and your videos definitely saved me from certain failure."
- "Thanks, these videos are excellent! Great explanations!"
- "Wow, really helpful, my gratitude is beyond description."
- "Thank you. This is really helpful."
- "You're the reason I'm passing and understanding mechanics."